Friday, September 2, 2011


The boys started kindergarten on Wednesday.  They were so excited and I was so emotional.  It seems just like it was just a few days ago that we were driving them home from the hospital and now I am driving them to kindergarten.

Layton ready to go.  He lost another tooth the night before.
He looks so much like his grandpa in this picture!

Colton was so excited about going to school.  When I dropped him off I barely got a good bye kiss from him.  (which I needed more than he did)

We are so happy that they were able to get into the Soledad Mission Union School.  It's a great little school 20 minutes from our house.  It has excellent scores (the top in Monterey county).  It's kindergarten through 8th grade and consists of 120 students.  The school has a full time music and art teacher thanks to donations from the local farming families.  
Another plus is that the whole school takes recess at the same time so the boys have been able to see and play with their local friends on the play ground.  
We are all so excited to see what this new school year brings.

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