My hard working boy. You can see the layer of dirt building up on his face.
My other hard working boy. Not only was there a thick layer of dirt over both boys, my floors were down right gross. I tried in vain all day to keep the floors swept but finally gave up and decided that I'd mop the floors after everyone was in for the night and showered. Of course that never happened because at about 8:00 the main water line to the house broke. Putting the boys to bed with only a wipe down with a wash cloth after a day like that was about the hardest thing I've ever done.
Caleb was able to fix it by 9:30 and believe me I was SO tempted to pull them out of bed and into the shower.
Even Tess had a long day following everyone around.
Son like father.
Both checking to see where more gravel needed to be added.
Last load of the day.
Here it is at the end of the day. There is still quite a bit to do but it's starting to look more and more like a garden.